Catholic Home
5 Simple Ways Catholics can Honor the Holy Family in their Homes
The Holy Family lived a quiet life full of love of one another and of God; yet, their ordinary life became an extraordinary example for all who desire a lasting relationship with God. Catholics should look to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph daily. By inviting them into our homes and families, we can grow to be like them. Here are five simple but meaningful ways Catholics can honor the Holy Family in their homes. Consecrate your family to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Consecration means to... more »
Bring This Mary Garden Activity to your Parish! #WomensFellowship
Happy May! What better way to honor Our Mother during her month than with women's fellowship through crafts, coffee, and prayer? This is an activity that I brought to my Parish this past weekend, and it was a hit! In this post, I will be outlining the specific details of the event as well as what materials were used to make our very own miniature Mary gardens. Enjoy! Gather your supplies. For your Mary garden, you’ll need the following:• Glass containers for the garden. You... more »
Design a Miniature Mary Garden - Invite Friends!
This quick, adorable DIY craft brings our Blessed Mother into your home without the fuss of watering, dirt, and seasonal upkeep. Enjoy your indoor Mary garden all the year long! ​ Maybe where you live, little green shoots are starting to sprout through the dirt. Maybe you’re anticipating another few rounds of snowfalls. Maybe you have a big backyard with room for creative plantings. Maybe you live in the city with your own little balcony paradise. No matter what your... more »
90 Lenten Ideas for Catholics: Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
Lent is upon us! It's the perfect opportunity to practice self-mortification, strengthen relationships with our neighbors, and grow closer to Christ. If you're feeling stumped about what your Lenten sacrifice should be, I've compiled a list of 90 Lenten ideas: 30 God-centered things to do for Lent (prayer), 30 non-sweets related things to give up for Lent (fasting), and 30 almsgiving ideas for Lent. Be sure to share this post with your friends and loved ones who are looking for some... more »
#FutureSuperDads: 6 Ways to Set the Stage for Greatness
Wanna be the best dad ever one day? If you're a single Catholic guy, I hope these ideas inspire you on your road to holiness. Serve. In marriage, the goal is to serve your family in a way that will get your wife and children to heaven one day. Action steps: Practice serving others now by volunteering your time at your Parish, a pregnancy crisis center, or a soup kitchen. Ditch. Rid your life of every habit that will not lead your family closer to Christ. Porn, for example, is... more »
Gardening Through a God-Centered Lens
This winter, as my husband and I stared out at the snow, we dreamed about planting a garden with our girls and harvesting tons of delicious veggies. We stumbled upon a documentary called Back to Eden. Basically, it highlights the benefits of planting a wood chip garden to help protect the plants, combat weeds, and lessen the need to water daily! What I really liked about the film is that the gardener, Paul, talks about how a wood chip garden aligns with God's design for nature. Though Vinnie and I... more »
Celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Happy June! With the impending official start of summer, images of lazy pool days, dripping ice cream cones, and fireworks come to mind, but June is also the perfect time to celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Both feast days are right around the corner, and there are numerous ways to observe both beautiful Catholic days. Read on to learn more about these heart-centered feast days, their histories, and how to glorify Jesus and honor His Mother this month. The Sacred... more »