20 Ideas for your Catholic "Word for the Year"
Word of the Year...but make it Catholic!One of my favorite New Year traditions is choosing a word to focus on for the year. The practice forces me to be honest with myself and to really listen to the Holy Spirit in order to dive deep and do His will in the year ahead. Additionally, selecting one word helps me to keep focus throughout the year. As a wife, a mom, and a business owner, I have a lot on my plate - it's hard for me to keep track of what I ate for breakfast let alone what goals I... more »
The St. Benedict Medal Explained
The St. Benedict Medal is a well-known and beloved Catholic sacramental. I've always been drawn to the striking simplicity of the medal...but it was just recently that I came to learn what the letters on the design signify as well as the history behind the medal. This newfound knowledge has only increased my appreciation for the symbol and the powerful role that it can play in my life...and yours, too! If you are curious about the history and meaning of the St. Benedict Medal, as well as how it can... more »
Reclaiming Spooky Szn: A Guide to Celebrating Halloween the Catholic Way
Navigating Halloween as a Catholic can feel like a major challenge. With many Christians on social media labeling it as a holiday rooted in Satanism, many Catholics are trying to decide if and how to celebrate. While the rest of the culture embraces “Spooky Szn,” we Catholics are invited to embrace the traditions of Hallowtide and the unique celebration of the Body of Christ. If you're more of a video person, here's a great overview by Fr. Chris Alar on this topic! The... more »
13 Catholic Mary Tattoo Ideas for You
One of my favorite conversation starters is asking people with visible tattoos the story of their body art. I especially like seeing and hearing the stories behind Catholic tattoos. Whether the tattoo is an image of a saint, a Catholic symbol, or a word associated with the Catholic faith, chances are that there is something significant behind the ink, from a memory of a loved one, to a piece of their conversion story, to a reminder of a virtue. Because tattoos are permanent, they have weight, and I... more »
5 Simple Ways Catholics can Honor the Holy Family in their Homes
The Holy Family lived a quiet life full of love of one another and of God; yet, their ordinary life became an extraordinary example for all who desire a lasting relationship with God. Catholics should look to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph daily. By inviting them into our homes and families, we can grow to be like them. Here are five simple but meaningful ways Catholics can honor the Holy Family in their homes. Consecrate your family to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Consecration means to... more »
Top Valentine's Day Gifts for Catholics
St. Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones a little extra love! With this special feast day right around the corner, you might be thinking of grabbing some goodies to send to family members, friends, or for your kiddos to hand out in school. Whether you're looking for Catholic Valentines or a Catholic Valentine gift, we've got you covered! It's worth noting that some of the items mentioned below have bulk discounts that you'll be able to see when you click the drop... more »
Bring This Mary Garden Activity to your Parish! #WomensFellowship
Happy May! What better way to honor Our Mother during her month than with women's fellowship through crafts, coffee, and prayer? This is an activity that I brought to my Parish this past weekend, and it was a hit! In this post, I will be outlining the specific details of the event as well as what materials were used to make our very own miniature Mary gardens. Enjoy! Gather your supplies. For your Mary garden, you’ll need the following:• Glass containers for the garden. You... more »
St. Patrick Wasn't Irish...and 4 More Facts You Might Not Know
Looking to learn more about this incredible Saint in the Catholic Church? Put some of these facts in your back pocket this St. Patrick's Day! Although St. Patrick’s Day can be affectionately celebrated through traditions such as eating corned beef and wearing green, here are a few things to remember about the Saint who’s behind the entire day. St. Patrick was actually British - St. Patrick was born in Britain in the fourth century and ended up in Ireland after being kidnapped by Irish... more »
Design a Miniature Mary Garden - Invite Friends!
This quick, adorable DIY craft brings our Blessed Mother into your home without the fuss of watering, dirt, and seasonal upkeep. Enjoy your indoor Mary garden all the year long! ​ Maybe where you live, little green shoots are starting to sprout through the dirt. Maybe you’re anticipating another few rounds of snowfalls. Maybe you have a big backyard with room for creative plantings. Maybe you live in the city with your own little balcony paradise. No matter what your... more »
90 Lenten Ideas for Catholics: Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
Lent is upon us! It's the perfect opportunity to practice self-mortification, strengthen relationships with our neighbors, and grow closer to Christ. If you're feeling stumped about what your Lenten sacrifice should be, I've compiled a list of 90 Lenten ideas: 30 God-centered things to do for Lent (prayer), 30 non-sweets related things to give up for Lent (fasting), and 30 almsgiving ideas for Lent. Be sure to share this post with your friends and loved ones who are looking for some... more »
NFP for the Win: My Personal Testimony
This is my personal testimony about how Creighton NFP and NaProTechnology has helped my family. I started learning Natural Family Planning (the Creighton Model) when I was just out of college. I wasn't engaged or married yet, but my friend who was a fertility care practitioner told me the benefits of charting my cycle. Once I had charted my signs for a few months, I brought my chart to my NaProTechnology doctor, Dr. Anne Nolte. She's a Catholic GYN who specializes in fertility care and... more »
#FutureSuperDads: 6 Ways to Set the Stage for Greatness
Wanna be the best dad ever one day? If you're a single Catholic guy, I hope these ideas inspire you on your road to holiness. Serve. In marriage, the goal is to serve your family in a way that will get your wife and children to heaven one day. Action steps: Practice serving others now by volunteering your time at your Parish, a pregnancy crisis center, or a soup kitchen. Ditch. Rid your life of every habit that will not lead your family closer to Christ. Porn, for example, is... more »
Support Small Businesses: 7 Simple Action Steps
This past week I found out that a company in China stole my Holy Family artwork and is selling it on its website and through Facebook ads. Several strongly worded emails later, it appears they have no intention of taking it down without proper evidence that the artwork belongs to me (I have to laugh to keep from crying honestly) I've prayed so many deliverance prayers this week, and now my prayer is simply "Jesus, you take care of it!" As we come up on Amazon Prime day, I encourage you to look... more »
Gardening Through a God-Centered Lens
This winter, as my husband and I stared out at the snow, we dreamed about planting a garden with our girls and harvesting tons of delicious veggies. We stumbled upon a documentary called Back to Eden. Basically, it highlights the benefits of planting a wood chip garden to help protect the plants, combat weeds, and lessen the need to water daily! What I really liked about the film is that the gardener, Paul, talks about how a wood chip garden aligns with God's design for nature. Though Vinnie and I... more »
Celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary
Happy June! With the impending official start of summer, images of lazy pool days, dripping ice cream cones, and fireworks come to mind, but June is also the perfect time to celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Both feast days are right around the corner, and there are numerous ways to observe both beautiful Catholic days. Read on to learn more about these heart-centered feast days, their histories, and how to glorify Jesus and honor His Mother this month. The Sacred... more »
QUIZ: Which Catholic Saint is Your Ideal Coffee Date?
Coffee—an anticipated part of most everyone’s day, enjoyed in numerous ways. Although a solo sip can be enjoyable, consider inviting one of our great Catholic saints into your morning meditation. Take the quiz below and find out which Catholic Saint you should be clinking mugs with, then check out the corresponding Sipping with the Saints stickers to jazz up your daily brew routine! All of our stickers are dishwasher safe, so grab a blank mug and start adorning it with these fun, Catholic Saint... more »
10 Catholic Miscarriage Sentiments to Bring Comfort
This past month has been mixed with the heartbreak of miscarrying our daughter, Cora, and the joy of knowing that she is with Jesus. Thank you to everyone who has wrapped us up in prayer. Oddly enough, the miscarriage portrait that I created just a few weeks before we knew we were pregnant/miscarried now serves as a reminder to me that Jesus is holding our Cora in his arms. I pray it brings you or a friend consolation & peace.Here are some sentiments that have been especially thought... more »
7 Awesome St. Joan of Arc Facts You May Not Know
"Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well." Saint Joan of Arc, whose feast day we celebrate on May 30, is an amazing example of what is means to be a warrior for Christ. Here are 7 awesome facts about St. Joan of Arc: Saint Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers. She led a life full of courage and bravery, so she is one of the best saints to ask for intercession from when it comes to the gift of spiritual courage. #JoanUp! At the age of 12, she experienced... more »
How to Create Your Own Catholic Mug Gift
Ready to create your own Catholic mug you can gift to your favorite Catholic teachers, Catholic priests, and Catholic friends? It’s a simple process, made even easier by the fact that all Just Love Prints stickers are dishwasher safe, meaning you’ll never worry about fading colors or peeling edges. This simply DIY will have everyone asking, “Where did you get that mug?” So if you’ve grown tired of the cookie-cutter mugs at your local Home Goods or Target, try a hand at... more »
33 simple ways to combat anxious feelings
As many of you know, this pregnancy has been a season of joy as well as anxious feelings for me. Anyway, I jotted down all of the ways I've been combating the anxious feelings in hopes that they will help you or someone you know who is in a rut (pregnant or not!) Prayers for you, sister! Give it to God & go to sleepKeep a notebook by your bedside and write down every anxious thought swirling around your head before you go to bed. Give them to God, and go to sleep! Force yourself to... more »
A letter to the girl saving (or re-saving) herself for her future husband...
A letter to the girl saving (or re-saving) herself for her future husband...⠀When others call you old fashioned, know that you are noble, radiant, and strong.⠀When it's tempting to text the ex you know is wrong for you, put the phone down and call on Mama Mary instead.⠀On days when you wonder if your future husband will ever come along, know that God is preparing your hearts to meet and grow together. ⠀When the guilt of your past creeps up on you, recognize God's mercy and love, run to confession... more »
How To Save Your Marriage Before You Meet Your Spouse
In 2007, my junior year of high school, Jason Evert came to speak to the student body about chastity. As we were shuffled into the auditorium that morning, I mentally prepared myself to endure what I thought would be an awkward “sex talk.” Little did I know, my life would soon be changed forever. The talk began, and Jason immediately captivated every single student with his upbeat stories, humor, and down to earth nature. His words made me think twice about how I was... more »